Get crackin' on restoring your gut...

by finding magic in our health-giving WALNUTS!


DISCLAIMER: We assert no specific claim nor guarantee of healing powers nor medicinal healing. The information provided here should not be used as a replacement or substitute for professional services in any field, including but not limited to medical, financial, or legal matters. In particular, please consult licensed health and/or mental health professionals relating to matters of well-being that may require diagnosis, medical attention, or treatment.

To preserve the restorative oils of our nuts, we practice an "old fashion" method of immediate hand harvest from the ground and an old-school way of "putting up the nuts" to dry by wood fire. These practices have been passed down four generations.



Our process happens here at Amabel Heer ("here") Farms, a 30ish-acre, 4th-generation family-operated nut, hay, and specialty small-batch restorative foods farm planted in the Willamette Valley of Oregon where we savor the big skies, fertile and sacred soil, and the healing that lives and grows here for us all.

And as a family, we know the healing benefits of these nuts and this land, first hand...

Hi, I'm Annie and I'm the mommaship around "heer" and in the spring of 2019, just stepping into our 50s, having uprooted our lives to start our farm lifestyle with our then 2-year-old in-tow, a "strange" diagnosis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, moreover NASH, was handed to my husband Steve (3rd generation Heer) after routine blood work.

We were told to "get yourselves educated on cirrhosis of the liver". That "this is going to be a life-changer". That "you may not be able to farm".

Steve had always been "healthy, happy, and fit". He comes from "good stock". Sure, he'd eat whatever he wanted, he had "the metabolism of a 20-year-old" until this.

Out of the blue doesn't even begin to cover it. The fear, confusion, worry. And then...

One night, late, standing side-by-side in the hallway feeling all the feelings of defeat, after many doctor appointments including a long-awaited visit with a nutrition "specialist" who advised that "there are no real diet guidelines for repairing the liver, you're just going to have to figure it out for yourself", I heard:

"This is all medicine. This is your farm's business plan. This is how you'll help the world feel better. The healing is here."

I knew the guidance, (though I did drop my toothbrush to the floor mid-brush). I knew our bodies to be sacred landscapes, that this land was restorative... that we are deeply connected to nature, naturally... so we rejected the scripted prognosis, and got to work.

We turned to our instincts and our land. We educated ourselves, finding one of the superheroes in our restorative gut solution: Walnuts.

Right in our backyard. Right here on the farm.

We had healing growing right outside our door - waiting to help Steve - with THE specific job of combating the fastest-growing diagnosis in the US outpacing heart disease and diabetes, NASH.

And those healing walnuts did just that, and still do (along with other key restorative and high-vibe foods that are a part of our restorative farming plan).

Through radical shifts and relentless embracing new, immediate, specific dietary habits (and positive subconcious reprogramming techniques to support the self-healing process), Steve's liver repaired — in less than 1 year.

Steve was healing his body. And continues to. We all do.

Eating our walnuts, part of the select restorative gut food line-up we consume on the regular now, supported Steve's liver (brain and spirit) in healing and my "adventure" through menopausal changes.

They helped build back his healthy gut biome and mine critical to decreasing inflammation and stress in our bodies.

We went back to basics. We continue to connect the dots back to the Source.

Those specialists, well, they were shocked when lab results came back... with Steve's numbers "well within the normal range".

And Heer we are now...

We - Steve, Ambrose, and I - would like to share some magical walnuts with you.

DISCLAIMER: We assert no specific claim nor guarantee of healing powers or medicinal healing. The information provided here should not be used as a replacement or substitute for professional services in any field, including but not limited to medical, financial, or legal matters. In particular, please consult licensed health and/or mental health professionals relating to matters of well-being that may require diagnosis, medical attention, or treatment.

Results will vary. Consult your health provider. Do your own research. Take your power back by eating to support your wellbeing. Connect with healing nature. Wash your hands.

"You are what you think. You are what you breathe. You are what you eat." - D.X.

Good that you know...

  • Walnuts are one of the highest polyphenols* a bioactive compound in nature known for antiviral activity and pleiotropic effects. Please consult your healthcare provider for more information.
  • Walnuts are high in omega-3s, and believed to help with restoring the healthy biome (aka your tummy's landscape) in the gut, decreased inflammation, and brain functioning, and may reduce heart disease and cancer. Please consult your healthcare provider for more information.
  • Our walnuts are handpicked upon falling to the ground from the tree. They are English walnuts, from a tree planted in the 1950s by Steve's grandparents, our farm's namesakes, Am and Mabel Heer. Put those names together and say aloud "Am-mable Heer" as in "I am able here". So, yes, we love this tree.
  • Our walnuts are dried in-shell (kernel meat not exposed) using an "old fashion" process staged in the "Nut Dryer Barn", by wood stove, in-shell so that they "slow dry in" the restorative oils and last longer in storage. The Nut Dryer Barn was built in the 1950s by Am and Mabel.
  • Our walnuts are dried with the shell on, by fire from wood annually pruned out of our generous hazelnut orchard, maintaining stewardship of the land.
  • Our walnuts get a light water bath upon harvest to knock off debris and husks - that's it. We do not bleach, spray or treat them with chemicals in our entire process. Instead, we keep things as nature intended. Though we hand sort, you may encounter a little natural shell discoloration from the husk (the outer protective layer that naturally falls off exposing the nutshell), "dust" (ash from the wood fire), or a little "dirt" (walnuts are harvested from the happy ground on our soulful farm). So, like your momma always said, "wash up!" after handling.
  • Our recycled and repurposed packaging reinforces "old school sustainability" (aka the farmer ethic). We wash and reuse flower bulb net bags from our sister sanctuary design company. These are perfect for hanging in your pantry for your storage and re-reuse and together we reduce landfill burden!
  • We personally inspect, weigh, and hand pack each and every order right "heer" on the farm using legacy equipment, tools, and methods with love and gratitude, and always include healing magic wishes for your well-being with every order!

These nuts are from our beloved land, the sacred soil, and a precious tree well over 50+ years old, planted by the founders of Amabel Heer Farms, Mabel and Ambrose J. Heer.


Have questions...? Contact us at or
message us on Facebook (and follow us too!) at Amabel Heer Farms.

* Why do I care that walnuts are a polyphenol? Polyphenols are a bioactive compound in nature known for antiviral activity and pleiotropic effects — currently studied as prevention treatment for viral infectivity because they are believed to dampen the risk of a virus-induced inflammation in the body*. Walnuts are one of the highest nuts containing polyphenols. Please consult with your healthcare provider for more information.

What's pleiotropic? Loosely, it references a combo-platter of simultaneous effects. For instance, your body benefits from walnuts because they contain high amounts of omega3s that are reported to support heart health, lower blood pressure, help brain function, and decrease inflammation. Walnuts are the only nut that contains the high o3's.

DISCLAIMER: We assert no specific claim nor guarantee of healing powers or medicinal healing. The information provided here should not be used as a replacement or substitute for professional services in any field, including but not limited to medical, financial, or legal matters. In particular, please consult licensed health and/or mental health professionals relating to matters of well-being that may require diagnosis, medical attention, or treatment.

"Walnut is useful at all the transition points in life... it helps break links with the past so that we can move forward more easily."

- The Bach Centre, home of Dr. Edward Bach and the Bach Flower Remedy

It would be our honor to share from our sacred, precious land these beloved, specially processed, in-shell (only) walnuts and hazelnuts with you, while supplies last.

Walnuts: $10/lb + priority shipping (3 lbs bag minimum)

  • 3 lbs and/or 6 lbs bag increments available of our in-shell Walnuts.
  • Orders shipped via USPS priority mail. (Our apologies to our International friends, we're not shipping outside the US, at this time.)
  • Send NO PAYMENT until your order is confirmed via email. Because we hand pack every order, we'll verify fulfillment first, then provide you with a payment link once we confirm that your order is assured and meets our nutty magical standards.
  • Your order is shipped upon receipt of payment.
  • We have a strict 7-day hold limit on pending-payment orders.
  • We sell out every year via our waitlist on a first-come, first-paid, first-served basis.

NEW! Hazelnuts*: $12/lb + priority shipping (2 lbs bag minimum)

  • 2 lbs bag increments available of our in-shell Hazelnuts.
  • Orders shipped via USPS priority mail. (Our apologies to our International friends, we're not shipping outside the US, at this time.)
  • Send NO PAYMENT until your order is confirmed via email. Because we hand pack every order, we'll verify fulfillment first, then provide you with a payment link once we confirm that your order is assured and meets our nutty magical standards.
  • Your order is shipped upon receipt of payment.
  • We have a strict 7-day hold limit on pending-payment orders.
  • We sell out every year via our waitlist on a first-come, first-paid, first-served basis.

    *Please note that our Hazelnut orchards are cared for using the lowest amount of chemical interventions as needed. The sprays used on our orchard treat blight and moth infestation, common in the farming of hazelnuts.

Have questions...? Contact us at or
message us on Facebook (and follow us too!) at Amabel Heer Farms.

“The nuts are amazing - THANK YOU, THANK YOU so much!!!!!!!!!!”—J.F.

Supplies are limited. After harvest and our drying ritual, we work off a waitlist every year for these walnuts.

Waitlist? Yep. Words out!'s in how we care for and respect the tree, process the high-vibe specialty small-batch yield, and take good care of this
4th generation family farm.

(And it's a nod to how delicious our walnuts are!)


(We currently ship to US locations only.)

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Follow our little restorative farming adventures at Amabel Heer Farms!

Have questions...? Contact us at